Victorian Home Decorating Ideas

1146 – In Western Europe and former British empires, a typical Victorian home means any residential home constructed during the reign of queen Victoria. During the Industrial Revolution, numerous residential building booms led to the construction of millions of new homes that are today a defining feature of virtually all major cities and towns. Within a relatively short time period, Australia experienced an influx of both overseas and domestic immigrants who brought with them a taste for a Victorian style lifestyle. Today, many of these homes can still be viewed in places such as Armidale, Cairns and Saleuchea.

Victorian House Designs Characterized By Steep Roofs

The basic design of most Victorian homes was characterized by steep roofs and absence of any form of attachment to the ground. This was a result of the desire to keep the houses away from the vagaries of the weather. Typically, the exterior of a Victorian home will consist of stucco or brickwork designed in a classic Victorian style. There may also be some element of the Victorian era attached to the structure.

Many of the modern day conveniences associated with Victorian homes such as fitted kitchens and bathtubs were not introduced until the post-wartime construction boom of the late nineteenth century. Although the introduction of new features was intended to improve the comfort of occupants, the architectural styles of these structures remain largely unchanged. In addition, because there was very little concern for traditional architectural styles when constructing Victorian homes, their maintenance has also been less than adequate. With these factors cited, it is no surprise that many homes in Australia that were built in the late Victorian era have suffered from a lack of ongoing maintenance.

Interior Design of Victorian Homes

As previously stated, many of the original characteristics of Victorian homes were aimed at providing an exceptional indoor environment for occupants. In addition, the heavy wood paneling, intricately carved gingerbread roofs, intricately laid plasterwork, intricately knotted drapery, intricately woven tapestries and highly elaborate window coverings were all designed to enhance the opulence of interior architecture in the Victorian homes of the period. Despite the impressive interior design of Victorian homes, however, much of the interior architecture of Victorian houses was based on the external appearance of the property. As a result, exteriors of the home often suffer from the same elements of wear and tear that characterize the interiors – with many people referring to the condition of their exterior surfaces as the ‘drip’.

As previously mentioned, one of the most distinguishing characteristic of Victorian architecture was its emphasis on light and spaciousness. This was achieved through the use of glass, with most windows being either framed or open. The nature of the glazing chosen for the windows was important, as was the fact that they were generally constructed out of stained glasses rather than leaded glass. This emphasis on light and spaciousness was further highlighted through the use of colours, textures and patterns. Often, pastels and a warm rustic colour palette were used on the exteriors of Victorian homes, with fringes and fringe patterns often featuring prominently. However, because the goal of Victorian architecture was to create an atmosphere of peace and tranquility, the use of vibrant colours was more often limited to the decorative elements of the property.

Heavy Ornate Furniture from a Victorian Home

Another distinctive characteristic of the Victorian home is the heavily ornamented furniture which is characteristic of the time. Most modern homes are far less ornate than that of the Victorian homes, although some decoration techniques that were popular during that time have become modern day standards. As a result, most modern homes contain ornate details which date back to the turn of the century. Much of this ornamental detail is contained within the architectural trim of the homes, which was traditionally thicker than that of the interiors. For this reason, many people believe that the heavy emphasis placed on architectural trim in Victorian homes was what led to the emphasis that is placed today on materials and the heavy use of glazing and windows which help to keep the interior of the house relatively warm.

As can be seen from the examples above, the Victorian architecture of the day was highly concentrated around the concept of thick framed windows. In fact, the thick, framed windows of the day were designed to keep out the cold and provide ventilation for the occupants of the home. In addition to these modern day materials, the use of glass in the windows was uncommon, but it is known that in some regions, the use of glass was commonplace during this era due to the lack of other materials which were commonly used. The use of wallpaper, on the other hand, was also very rare due to the cost which it required.

When it comes to decorating a Victorian home, there are many different styles and materials that can be used to achieve a look that is reminiscent of bygone days. Some of the most common materials that are found within these homes include, brass, wood, iron, gold, and natural stone. Many of the homes that are being constructed today are in fact a combination of various architectural styles, including French, Tudor, Georgian, and Queen Ann architectural styles. These houses make great homes today because of their charm, warmth, and unique design. Many people today who are looking to purchase old fashioned style homes are actually choosing these homes because they have an architectural style that is so timeless that it will never go out of style.


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